Journal of Media Studies, Vol 31, No 2 (2016)

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Who is providing reliable information on Internet? A survey of Indian online news readers

Pradeep Tewari


Internet users are growing rapidly around the world. The mainconcern regarding the online content is that who is providingreliable information on the Internet. To know the credibility ofInternet information among Indian readers, an online survey wasconducted, and 3183 respondents took part in the study. Thequestionnaires were distributed using social media platforms. Malenews consumers were higher than female news consumers. Thefindings of the study show that most of the online readers believethat the websites of news organizations provide credibleinformation. Interestingly female readers have more faith inGovernment websites, private companies and personal blogs ascompared to males. Text content is the most favorite content for theonline news consumers.


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