Journal of Media Studies, Vol 32, No 2 (2017)

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Communication Disorders due to Lingo-Cultural Diversity

Tamsila Naeem, Zafar Iqbal Bhatti


The term disordered or impaired communication refers to that specific type of communication, which deviates from the established communication manners, set in a society. It is a special type of communication disorder which is observed among different types of cultural groups in educational institutions. This study aims to highlight the communication disorder, that is not due to any biological factor, but due to lingo-cultural diversity between the students. It examines the influence of cultural norms on communication behavior of students, which leads to communication gap among them. To test the hypothesis survey in three different universities of Lahore was conducted. A very careful selection of the participants was made on the basis of information about their backgrounds. Findings show that rural and urban students fail to accept as well as respect this lingo-cultural difference between them. Though a very strong tie between language and culture exists, and students find difficulty in communication, they can cover the communication gap after a conscious and consistent efforts from both sides.


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