Journal of Media Studies, Vol 33, No 2 (2018)

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Revisiting News Value Theory in the Age of Globalization

Muhammad Ittefaq


This study reviewed the existing literature on news value theory andexamined its validity and implications in the contemporary world.The study refers to digital journalists and academicians. Are the newsselection criterion still the same as they were in the past or are editors,journalists, and media outlets changing their approach due toglobalization? Do journalists and editors still consider the same newsfactors to publish a story or not? These questions are addressed inthis study. This paper is relevant for future researchers andprofessional journalists. Today, journalists need more skills than everbefore. At the same time, due to digitalization and competition,organizations need stories continuously throughout the day to runtheir businesses and maintain their ranking among other mediaoutlets. Scholars need to empirically revisit media theories includesmiddle range theories, according to the needs of the time. Existingliterature shows that the globalization has changed a bit news factorsand researchers need to revisit existing news factors.


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