Journal of Media Studies, Vol 28, No 1 (2013)

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Framing India: Pre-post globalization

Ruchi Tewari, Taral Pathak


This study attempts to explore how due to globalizationframing of India in New York Times became relevant andof significance during the period of 1985-2010. An analysisof all the news articles about India was done to find out thechange in the space given to India over the three phases ofglobalization. Later, a content analysis of as many as 450 newsreports was done to find out the nature and focus of the newsitems pre and post globalization period. The findingsindicate an exponential rise in the number of news itemsabout India in the post-globalization phase. The nature ofnews reports changed from neutral to positive and morecoverage was given to 'Politics and Business' section whenearlier it dealt mostly with 'Arts and Culture' section. The newsreporting in the post-globalization phase was more visuallyaided with photographs. The findings support the notion thatwhen a nation becomes economically strong there is not only aninternal positive sentiment generated but externalcommunication agencies also facilitate in strengthening itsposition by representing it as a nation of consequence.Research limitations: The study is limited to the representationmade by one newspaper about a single country and thereforethe findings are limited in their scope.Originality/value: Observations and comments about India'schanging position in the western world have been made but noempirically validated studies have been found. The currentstudy fulfils that gap.


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