Journal of Media Studies, Vol 35, No 1 (2020)

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Facebook As A Public Relations Tool: A Case Study of Kuapa Kokoo Limited

Dennis Sarkodie Owusu


Organizations worldwide have realized the need to migrate online if they are to succeed and stay in business. This growing dimension of organizations migrating and doing business online continues to soar on a daily basis. Kuapa Kokoo Limited (a licensed cocoa buying company in Ghana) is one of such organizations which is using Facebook as a public relations tool. The purpose of this study is to examine closely the use of Facebook as a public relations tool at Kuapa Kokoo Limited (KKL). The study highlights the need for the use of Facebook as a Public relations tool and also brings to the fore the benefits and challenges, associated with the use of Facebook as a public relations tool by Ghanaian organizations, using Kuapa Kokoo Limited as a case study. Eight interviews were conducted from the top management executives, the communications department, the marketing department other staff members of KKL. The findings of this study confirm the potential ability of Facebook as a tool for enhancing give and take communication between organizations and their audience as. The study concludes that Facebook holds the potential to make PR more symmetrical.


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