Journal of Media Studies, Vol 37, No 2 (2022)

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Effects of Smart Phone Addiction on Family Communication in Pakistan

Wajeeha Arif, Abdul Rasheed, Hummera Hassan


The use of smartphones has become common in Pakistan. A smartphone is a combination of communication devices that has internet accessibility. The current study aims to find out the relationship between smartphone addiction and family communication under the theoretical framework of family communication pattern theory (FCPT). A sample of 300 adults was taken and analyzed through the Smartphone addiction scale (SAS-SV) developed by Kwon, Lee, Won, Park, Min, Hahn, and Kim (2013) and the family communication scale (FCS) developed by Olson & Barnes, (2004). The data was collected online through snowball sampling. The results show that there is a relationship between smartphone addiction and family communication and there is a significant difference in the demographic variable for education and smartphone use on weekdays for smartphone addiction. Additionally, income showed a significant difference in family communication. 


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